4C Health Solutions is now doing business as 4C Digital Health! We at 4C are constantly expanding our digital solutions and needed a name to better reflect our expertise, who we are, and what we do.
Why 4C Digital Health?
Our new name is a nod to our data-driven processes and the solutions we provide in a digital-focused world. Data is at the center of business change, enabling organizations to transform their business, operating models, and respond nimbly to opportunity. Data is a transformative force and it impacts all aspects of business.
We continue to help our clients claim their data to unleash value. That data will play a critical role in addressing initiatives, such as fiscal responsibilities, regulatory mandates or improving clinical results.
What’s not changing?
Our guiding principles! Healthcare should be transparent. Self-funded fiduciaries deserve oversight free of any conflict of interest. The purchasers of healthcare should control the system.
Our independence! 4C Digital Health is committed to remaining independent from any real or perceived conflict of interest when serving our clients. Our team has vowed to act in the sole and exclusive benefit of our clients’ health plans and members. This pledge to remain unconflicted is rare, but extremely important in delivering unbiased oversight.
Our solutions! Financial & Operation Controls, Payment Integrity, Invoice Reconciliation, Clinical Outcomes, Data Integrity, Claim Payment Accuracy, Payment Responsibility & Plan Payment Reconciliation, and more.