Claim your data
Unleash the value
We transform your self-insured healthcare plan from a great unknown into something you can understand and control.

Clarity | More Transparency
Own the data
Clarity represents our clients’ understanding of the information necessary to manage their self-funded plans. Knowledge is power, and unobscured access to data is key to effective oversight. Knowing what data is available, absent, or being obscured is the first step to understanding how a plan is performing as well as what opportunities may lay hidden.
Cost | More Opportunities
Understand the drivers
Once the full spectrum of data is understood, opportunities are identified and can be prioritized for action. Whether the opportunity resides in provider or vendor dynamics, 4C enables our clients to better understand where to focus their efforts.

Control | More Power
Lead the change
Tailoring a targeted remediation strategy enables 4C clients to address unmet needs. 4C clients are empowered to channel resources to maximum effect by taking control of their data. Highly customized strategies are possible through unprecedented insight into high value interventions.
Compliance | More Confidence
Measure the impact
Compliance ensures the controls employed have the intended impact. Keeping score of targeted interventions, such as point solutions, is essential for managing plan investments. Whether the goals are lower costs, improved clinical outcomes or a combination of the two, understanding results is critical for continuous improvement. Truly fulfill your fiduciary obligation pursuant to ERISA. We help self-insured employers reduce their exposure to substantial liability.